Lastly, make sure to have maximum EGO before starting. Starting a new game will erase your EGO and make it literally impossible. Make sure to start from the first chapter, not a new game. This works well against everything near the end. This is done by activating the extra game setting “Duke 3D Freeze Ray” and using it until you run out of ammo, then disabling the setting to regenerate ammo. Use the Freeze Ray trick for the later levels. Save Beers, Holodukes, and Steroids for boss battles/tight spots. Pipe bombs and Trip Mines become a tad useless at this level. Stick to the Pistol, Shotgun, Shrink Ray, and Freeze Ray. Use aim assist, it helps a ton when getting rushed and during the turret sections.

Like any shooter, remember to take cover when shot at and take your time moving through. It should also be noted that when duke performs an execution his 'Ego Bar' is instantly filled and may be helpful in some of the more hectic firefights when there is no time to get behind cover. If you complete the game on Insane you will unlock the other lower difficulty achievements also. This setting is only unlocked once you complete the game once on any other setting.

Complete the entire campaign (all levels) on Insane difficulty.